Do Dogs Get Pimples?

Just like humans, dogs can develop pimples. While it may seem strange, your dog’s skin can experience issues similar to your own. In this blog, we’ll explore why dogs can get pimples, what causes them, how to identify them, and what you should do if you notice pimples on your dog’s skin. If you have concerns or need more information about your dog’s skin, Lagniappe Animal Hospital is here to help. Give us a call at (318) 255-3303 to schedule an appointment or discuss your pet’s needs.


close up of pug with a pimple on face


Why Do Dogs Get Pimples?

Pimples in dogs are caused by a condition called canine acne. Similar to the acne humans experience, this occurs when the hair follicles become irritated or blocked. Bacteria, oil, and dead skin can clog the hair follicles on a dog’s skin, leading to pimples. The areas most affected are usually the muzzle, chin, and lips, although pimples can appear in other areas.

Young dogs, particularly during their adolescent stage, are more prone to developing acne. This is because of hormonal changes, which are similar to the causes of acne in teenagers. While pimples in dogs are usually not serious, they can sometimes be uncomfortable and may lead to other skin issues if not addressed.

There are also other factors that can increase the likelihood of your dog getting pimples. Breeds with wrinkly or folded skin, such as Bulldogs or Boxers, are more prone to skin irritation because dirt and moisture can get trapped in the folds. Dogs that frequently rub their faces on rough surfaces, like carpets, can also develop acne from irritation.

What Causes Pimples in Dogs?

The main causes of pimples in dogs stem from a mix of factors. Bacteria plays a significant role, particularly Staphylococcus, which is commonly found on the skin. When this bacteria gets trapped in the hair follicles, it can lead to acne. Other causes include:

  • Hormonal changes: As mentioned earlier, younger dogs experience hormonal shifts during adolescence, leading to breakouts, especially around their mouths.
  • Irritation from the environment: Dirt, grass, or even certain types of food bowls can irritate your dog’s skin. Plastic food bowls, for example, can harbor bacteria and irritate sensitive areas like the chin.
  • Allergies: Dogs can develop allergies to food, pollen, or certain grooming products. Allergic reactions can trigger skin irritation, leading to pimples.
  • Poor hygiene: If your dog’s face is not kept clean, it increases the risk of pimples forming. This is especially important for dogs with folds in their skin where dirt can accumulate easily.
  • Underlying health conditions: Sometimes, more serious health issues, such as immune system disorders, can contribute to acne development.

Identifying the exact cause of your dog’s pimples can help prevent them in the future. If you’re unsure, our team at Lagniappe Animal Hospital can assist in determining what’s causing your dog’s acne and provide recommendations to help keep their skin healthy.

How to Identify Pimples on Your Dog

Pimples on dogs look similar to the ones humans get. They often appear as red or raised bumps, usually on the dog’s chin, muzzle, or lips. These pimples can sometimes fill with pus, much like human whiteheads. Other signs to watch for include:

  • Redness: Pimples often cause irritation, leading to redness around the affected area.
  • Swelling: If your dog’s skin becomes inflamed, it might look swollen or puffier than usual.
  • Scratching or rubbing: Dogs with acne may scratch or rub their face on furniture or the floor in an attempt to relieve discomfort.
  • Scabs or crust: If the pimples burst or your dog continues to scratch at them, scabs may form.

While it might be tempting to pop your dog’s pimples, it’s important to avoid doing this. Popping pimples can lead to infections or worsen the irritation. Instead, if the pimples seem severe or are causing your dog discomfort, it’s best to have a veterinarian check them out. We can evaluate your dog’s skin and recommend a safe treatment plan.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Pimples?

In most cases, dog acne is not a cause for major concern. It is a common condition, particularly in younger dogs, and usually resolves on its own. However, if the acne persists or if you notice other symptoms like excessive scratching, swelling, or discomfort, it’s a good idea to contact us for an evaluation.

Severe acne can sometimes lead to secondary infections, which may require treatment with medications. If left untreated, secondary infections can cause long-term damage to the skin. If your dog is in discomfort or the pimples are not improving, we can help determine the underlying cause and suggest treatments that may include topical ointments, antibiotics, or changes to your dog’s grooming routine.

If your dog’s pimples are linked to an underlying health condition, addressing that condition can help prevent future skin issues. Our veterinary team can perform tests and evaluations to ensure that your dog’s skin and overall health are in good shape.

How Can You Help Prevent Pimples in Dogs?

Prevention is key when it comes to managing your dog’s skin health. While you can’t always prevent acne, there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of your dog developing pimples:

  • Keep your dog’s face clean: Regular cleaning, especially after eating or playing outside, can help prevent the buildup of bacteria and debris. Use a clean, damp cloth to gently wipe your dog’s face, particularly around the mouth and chin.
  • Use stainless steel or ceramic bowls: Plastic bowls can harbor bacteria, even after cleaning. Switching to stainless steel or ceramic bowls can help reduce bacteria exposure, especially for dogs prone to acne.
  • Avoid irritants: If you know that certain grooming products or foods trigger skin irritation, avoid using them. Choose hypoallergenic shampoos or switch to a different food bowl material if necessary.
  • Regular grooming: Regular brushing and bathing can help keep your dog’s skin clean and free of debris. For dogs with folds in their skin, it’s especially important to clean those areas frequently to prevent bacteria from building up.
  • Schedule regular vet visits: While we recommend regular veterinary check-ups for overall health, they are also an opportunity to address any skin concerns before they become more serious. If you notice any changes in your dog’s skin, let us know so we can provide guidance.

By taking these steps, you can help maintain your dog’s skin health and reduce the likelihood of pimples developing. If you have questions about grooming routines or need product recommendations, our team at Lagniappe Animal Hospital is here to assist you.

When to Call Lagniappe Animal Hospital

While most cases of dog acne are mild, it’s important to monitor your dog’s skin. If your dog’s acne becomes severe, causes discomfort, or doesn’t improve over time, it may be time to seek professional help. Our veterinary team can assess your dog’s condition and create a plan to improve their skin health. You can reach us at (318) 255-3303 for more information or to make an appointment. We look forward to helping your dog feel their best!

By understanding why dogs get pimples, you can take steps to address the issue and keep your dog’s skin healthy. At Lagniappe Animal Hospital, we’re here to answer any questions you have about your dog’s skin health and provide the care they need.